Charlotte at 8 months

Charlotte is now 8 months old! She is on the verge of crawling - she can take a few steps forward but can go backwards better still. She also likes to pull herself up onto her knees.

We've been trying all kinds of new foods - asparagus, tofu, spinach, ground up flax seeds, and kiwi. She also loves finger foods - the puffs that dissolve in her mouth and I recently gave her a infant biscuit to try. She gnawed on it for about 20 minutes (it took her that long to eat it) - she loved it!

Here is a typical day for us:

6:30 - 7:00 Charlotte wakes up during this time and I breastfeed her. We then go downstairs and I eat my breakfast while Charlotte plays. She then gets oatmeal with a fruit, and ground up flax.

9:00 Morning Nap

10:00 Wakes up, gets juice / water

11:00 Breastfeed her, normally go for a walk after this

12:00 Lunch - yogart with fruit - she LOVES this! Then she normally watches a BabyFaith video while I eat lunch. She is mesmerized by these videos - from what I understand they are like Baby Einstein but they tell bible stories.

1:00 Afternoon Nap

2:30 /3:00 Breastfeed, we run errands if we need to after this

5:00 Dinner for Charlotte - Oatmeal, Veggies, tofu or a meat, then playtime

6:15 Bathtime / breastfeed

7:00 Bedtime


  1. love the new pics!! she is so grown up. i was reading your is almost identical to Patrick's. Too funny! I guess great moms think alike!

    Hope to see yall soon...please let us know when you are in sparkle again...patrick wants another date with his girlfriend!
    maggie delaney

  2. Charlotte is adorable!! Love her pink cheeks :) You're a wonderful mom Elizabeth!

  3. maggie - thank you for your comments - i am just now figuring out that I had comments on here! haha! we will definitely have to get together next time we are in town for a "date" :-)