Florida Beach Trip

Charlotte is on the verge of walking! She is definitely cruising now and likes to pull herself up to standing and not hold onto anything - such a big girl! She is eating all kinds of table foods now, likes to point at things, and loves to say "bye bye" to people. I've really been enjoying her growing personality!

In other news, David will be doing a residency for a year at Forest Hill Church starting in July. This is such an answer to prayer and such a great opportunity for him to train as a Christian Counselor. It looks like he will graduate with his MACC in December of this year and his MDiv in May of 2010. I am so proud of all his hard work these past few years!

We were at the beach from March 21 - 28 in Florida with David's family and had a wonderful time. Charlotte LOVED the beach - she crawled all over the place and ate a lot of sand. She also had her 5th tooth come in (on the bottom) which caused her to run a fever and stop nursing for about 36 hours (yikes for Mom!). So that was a little more excitement than we wanted to have at the beach!