Baking Bread & Granola

Charlotte and I started the day by baking bread and granola. Last fall I kept reading all these blogs of people who bake their own bread and all the benefits of it. So, I used some Christmas money and purchased a bread machine. I am totally sold now on making your own bread! Not only do you get to control the ingredients (I only use honey to sweeten mine and its 100% whole wheat) but it taste so much better than anything store bought. I also started baking granola mainly because David would eat about a box of the store bought stuff a day which gets a little expensive. It is naturally sweetened and you can add anything you want to it. We typically add raisins and maybe sunflower seeds.

Bread machine

Charlotte "helping" me put the ingredients in.

Finished product.

Baked Granola.

Charlotte again helping me as I make the granola.


  1. I need to get your recipes & we need to get together soon! I miss seeing you & Charlotte!